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High Easter Road, Barnston, Great Dunmow, Essex CM6 1NA
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Body Image and Mental Health

Hi Everyone, I hope you are starting to enjoy the lighter nights and feeling more energised with the thoughts of summer.

I want to let you know that Mental Health Awareness Week is next month from 13th May until 19th May and this year it is focussing on body image.

Body Image is our perception of how we see the way we look and the feelings and thoughts that our perception brings. These feeling can be positive or negative and sometimes they can be both. These perceptions have an effect on our mental health.

Our perceptions can be influenced by many different factors, some of these could be, how we were brought up to think about ourselves, bullying, what is in the social media, friends, work expectations and of course fashion.

How can we help ourselves if we are not happy with our bodies?

  • We can look after ourselves by investing in ourselves through a healthy diet and exercise.
  • Try listing what we like about ourselves and growing from this positive.
  • Look at what colour and styles we like or would like to wear and give it a go!
  • We need to remember we cannot all be the same shape or size, but it is what we do to make ourselves feel good which in turn builds our confidence and self -worth.
  • As one famous commercial state “We are All Worth It” and that includes all shapes and sizes.


We can all help ourselves and others by giving positive affirmations and be accepting and non-judgmental.

I think this quote says it all!

Body Image and Mental Health counselling Chelmsford
If you need a confidential and safe space for you to explore your thoughts and feelings regarding your body image please do contact me.

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